Pastor Wade C. Graber

115 N. High St.


DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: April 30, 1957, Moundridge, Kansas

EDUCATION: Sterling College, 1979, B.A. Bible (Minor N.T. Greek)
Central Baptist Theological Seminary, 1984, M.Div.
Biblical Interpretation

FAMILY: Spouse- Peggy Graber, Sterling College, B.A. Education, Cum Laude;
Math Teacher 4 J r. High, High School, and Adjunct Math Professor, Butler
Cornrnunity College

PURPOSE: Our ultimate question is “What is the leading of God’s Spirit in this matter?”

EXPERIENCE: I received the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior in a personal way as a fourth
grader in 1967, was baptized April 28, 1968, and I remained active in Sunday
School and church at the First Baptist Church in Tribune, Kansas through my high
school years. I was active in the youth group and elected as Sunday School
Superintendent Assistant.
The summer following my high school graduation (May 1975) I received
the call to the ministry August 23rd, and began preaching at the age of eighteen.
On December 28, 1975, my home church had a licensing service for me. I
continued to preach on weekends as opportunity arose and with the
encouragement of my pastor, Rev. Henry F. Donelson.
The summer of 1976 was a special time of ministry for Peggy and me. I
traveled to preach all but two weekends that summer, and Peggy (then Evans) was
the Youth leader at her home church, First Baptist in Leoti, Kansas.
On September 5, 1976, I began as pastor of the Castleton Union Church.
This was a tremendous growing time in the Lord. This pastoral ministry continued
four years and four months, until January of 1981. Peggy and I married during
this time (May 22, 1977) and we witnessed God’s saving grace, healing,
reconciliation, and tremendous insights into pastoring. From January of 1981 to
October 1981, Peggy and I re-entered the traveling ministry with puppets,
preaching, and singing.
We sensed a need for seminary training after our four and a half years at
Castleton. I began studies at Central in the summer of June l98 I , and completed
my studies for a Master of Divinity degree in December of 1983. Graduation was
in May of 1984.
While in seminary, I was on staff at the Judson Baptist Church in Kansas
City, Kansas. My mentor was Dr. John Clark the senior pastor. My main
responsibilities at Judson included the Youth ministries and co-laboring with
John. lt was here that I experienced “Evangelism. Explosion” by D. James
Kennedy as a tremendous help in personal witnessing.
The next place of service that God led us to after graduation from Central
was the First Baptist Church of Oxford, Nebraska. .We began our labors there on
June 1, l984, and we enjoyed a fruitful ministry. The spiritual growth was
Significant and many new ministries began. We had a live radio broadcast of the
last half-hour of service, a preschool, a community pantry, and Youth tours as
integral facets of our outreach. Graber Ministries, Inc. was formed to expand the
radio ministry, and I served 2 and half years as chairman of the Evangelism Dept.
for our Nebraska American Baptists. I was ordained at Oxford on January 20,
l 985 .
God led me to begin serving as pastor of the First Baptist Church in
Arkansas City, Kansas. Our ministry began there on October 4, l987. God moved
there more visibly than we had ever witnessed Him in previous ministries. It was
so gracious of God to do such great things by His Spirit, and to allow us to be
around when He was so active. Highlights God blessed us with in the ll and a
half years at FBC—Ark City include: Evangelism Explosion ministry, mission
trips to Mexico, India and Africa, writing the book "Obedience”, spontaneous
baptisms, starting a preschool, helped start a community Christian school, Easter
pageants, Living Lord’s Supper drama, chairman for Impact World Tour,
sponsored satellite station for American Family radio, established C.A. N.
Community Aid Network, continued radio ministry (pre—tape), and published
"Baptist Banner" in local newspaper.

We hit the ground �running" when God led us to the First Baptist Church
family in El Dorado. August l, 1999 was our first official day. I preached the 2

morning services, grabbed my family and lunch, and rode 6 hours to Camp
Galilee for a week of youth camp (the most spiritually dynamic camp that I have
ever attended). The pace never slowed. People were saved, healed,
encouraged, pruned, responded spontaneously to baptism, and started new ministries.
We finished 18 1/2 years serving the FBC family in February 2018.
Wade is now serving as a corporate Chaplain and Peggy and Wade are Special Assignment
Missionaries  to Liberia with One Mission Society.

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